St John's Ethos Group
'For the word of God is alive and active'
extract from Hebrews 4:12
What is an Ethos Group?
A group of pupils in our school that champion the Ethos of our School.
The support our school in developing its Christian distinctiveness.
They promote our Christian Vision and Values.
What does the Ethos group do?
Meet with Mrs Osborne regularly to discuss aspects of our school’s commitment to our Christian ethos, vision and values
We ask pupils their opinion about our school values and worship
We feedback on any findings that we have
We work with other adults to develop positive working relationships
We lead collective worship times
We take an active role in developing whole school activities for our special Christian Values Days
We take an active role in evaluating Collective Worship
We try hard to develop spirituality within our school;
We undergo learning walks to look at how distinctive our school is as a church school
Develop reflective areas around school – provide feedback and keep them fresh and updated
What have we been doing?
Reflection Area Learning Walks
Ethos group undertook a walk around school to look at reflective areas and displays.
Vision and Values Day and God’s Big Story Day
Ethos group organised a vision and values day for the school. As part of the day Imran from the Muslim Education Service visited our school and led an assembly time and workshops for our pupils. The whole school worked with different teachers to take part in activities links to our Christian Values.
Welcoming Bishop Mark of Chester and Bishop Julie of Birkenhead to St John’s School
Ethos group welcomed Bishop Mark and Bishop Julie to our school. They showed them around their school environment and explained to the Bishops what makes our school special as a Church of England Primary School.
Ethos Group Visit Marton School
Ethos group visited the Ethos Group at Marton Church of England Primary School for the day and had the opportunity to work with their ethos group.
Leading Worship Times
Ethos group led our vision and values worship alongside Reverend Bee and Mrs Osborne. They taught the whole school different sign language actions for our six Christian Values.
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